About DMF



The Debt Management Facility is a multi-donor trust fund whose objective is to strengthen debt management to reduce debt-related vulnerabilities and improve debt transparency in more than 80 countries.

The Debt Management Facility (DMF) for Low-Income Countries (LICs) was launched in November 2008 by the World Bank as a multi-donor trust fund that supports the scaling up and accelerated implementation of the World Bank Group's debt management work program in low-income countries. The program has the specific objective of strengthening debt management capacity and institutions through a number of tools that help countries assess and plan their debt.


In 2014, the World Bank Group launched a second round of the trust fund (DMF II) that formalized a partnership with the International Monetary Fund. Experts from both institutions would now execute training and technical assistance for DMF-eligible countries seeking to strengthen and professionalize their debt management. The list of topics covered by the trust fund was expanded to cover emerging issues, such as domestic debt market development and debt issuance on international markets.

The third phase of the Debt Management Facility (DMF III) was launched at the 2019 Bank-Fund Spring meetings, scaling up the work of the DMF, and continuing to adapt DMF offerings to address evolving country needs. DMF III builds on a decade of track experience and results and looks to the future in supporting debt management capacity building in a changing debt landscape for low and middle-income developing countries. DMF III introduces capacity building in areas that support boosting debt transparency, such as debt reporting and monitoring, debt-related contingent liabilities, and other relevant fiscal risks, and enhances Technical Assistance related to debt management institutions. In addition to introducing new training in these areas, DMF III seeks to expand outreach activities and pilot innovative peer-to-peer learning initiatives.