The DMF offers country-tailored, high-quality advisory services to strengthen debt management capacity, institutions and processes in eligible countries, responding to country demand, through the design and application of analytical tools, in person and remote technical assistance.
Improving Governance and Institutions
The DMF provides Debt Management Performance Assessment (DeMPA) diagnostic tools, both at the sovereign and at the subnational level. The DMF also provides technical assistance to design Debt Management Reform Plans to lay out a detailed, sequenced, country-owned, capacity-building project plan. The DMF also offers advisory services on the design of institutional arrangements to strengthen institutional and legal frameworks for debt management.
Enhancing Strategy and Policy
The DMF provides critical technical assistance to support beneficiary countries in making more informed decisions in the design and implementation of their Debt Management Strategies. The DMF offers technical assistance in the formulation of the strategies and costs risk analysis using the Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) tool. It also provides advisory services for the implementation of debt management strategies through technical assistance on Annual Borrowing Plans and Liability Management Operations, Asset and Liability Management and Cash Management expertise to enhance debt management strategy development and implementation.
Developing Debt Markets
The DMF delivers advisory services to support countries in further diversifying their funding sources by developing domestic government securities markets and improving access to international markets in line with sound debt management practices and mindful of related risks.
Boosting Debt Transparency